Catalog ID WP-HIPA Heparin Antibody (HIT) Functional Confirmation (aka SRA / Serotonin Release Assay / WP-HIPA)
Additional Codes
Reference Values
Negative (<20% activation)
Red top tube, collect 2.0 mL blood
Serum, 1.0 mL (0.5 mL minimum), room temperature
Rejection Criteria
Plasma, contaminated sample, heated sample, insufficient quantity, unlabelled specimen
Interpretative Information
Functional assay detecting antibodies in serum capable of activating platelets in the presence of heparin. Briefly, washed platelets from pre-screened donors are incubated with patient serum in the presence of various concentrations of heparin and platelet activation measured.
aka: Washed Platelet Heparin Induced Platelet Activation (WP-HIPA)
Performing Lab
Machaon Diagnostics
<24 from specimen receipt at Machaon Diagnostics
Abnormal results will be messaged to the ordering provider.