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Catalog ID Seizure Seizure Genetic Testing (free sponsored testing under 8 years of age)

Important Note

Order: Ref Misc Referral Lab Test

Comment: Invitae Seizure

Note: This is FREE genetic testing offered to children up to 8 years of age who has had an unprovoked seizure. This test can be done on inpatient newborns.

Specimen Requirements

Request specimen collection kit from the Specimen Referral Laboratory at 706-721-4868 or send the patient to the 2nd floor MOB Laboratory.

Fill out the requisition that is under the "Resources" section on the left side of this screen. It must have a physician's signature. Submit the requisition form with the completed kit or have the patient present it to the laboratory for draw.

Turn Around Time

10-21 days

Performing Laboratory



Any child up to 8 years of age who has had an unprovoked seizure is eligible.