Catalog ID RhoGam Work-up RhoGam Work-up
CPOE Test Name
Use Blood Bank RhoGam Workup Adult/Pediatric Subphase (Type and Antibody Screen)
Epic EAP Test Code
Rho(D) Immune Globulin , RhoGam, Rhophylac
Specimen Requirements
Samples Name, MRN, require date and phlebotomist initials/Cerner ID. Pink top (EDTA) tube. (post-delivery)
Causes for Rejection
Improper labeling; wrong tube; gross hemolysis; insufficient volume
Turn Around Time
Routine: 2 – 4 hours
Urgent: 1 – 2 hours
86901, 86900, 86850, 85461
Storage and Transport
Send to Blood Bank
Reference Ranges
Blood Bank notifies physician if such patients are eligible to
receive RhIG. Eligible Rh-negative candidates must receive Rho(D) Immune Globulin
within 72 hours of Rh-positive cell exposure for it to be beneficial.
Primarily indicated for any Rh-negative female of child bearing age who received any
Rh-positive red blood cells or components (such as platelets or granulocytes prepared
from Rh-positive blood) or in whom it is suspected that fetal red blood cells have entered the circulation (during pregnancy, during delivery, during amniocentesis, while having an abortion, or invasive obstetric procedure) unless the fetus or the father can be shown
conclusively to be Rh-negative or if there is evidence of immunization to the D antigen not related to antepartum Rh Immune Globulin therapy.
Antibody Screen – Indirect Coombs phase; fetal cell screen. If the fetal screen test is positive a Kleihauer-Betke test performed in Hematology can distinguish and quantitate the amount of fetal cells in the maternal blood system.
Test Consists
For effective prophylaxis, a postpartum maternal blood sample from all Rh-negative women at risk suspected of having a fetomaternal hemorrhage in an amount sufficient to require more than a single dose of Rh Immune Globulin must be ordered by the patient?s physician.
Performing Lab
Blood Bank BI-1230 721-2732