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Catalog ID Ref O&P Ova and Parasite Exam [includes concentrated exam and permanent stain]

Important Note

If parasite infection is suspected as cause of persistent diarrhea (>14 days). 

Do not order for patients who develop diarrhea during a prolonged hospitalization. 

The ova and parasite exam does not specifically detect CryptosporidiumCyclosporaCystoisospora, and Microsporidia

CPOE Test Name

CPOE: Ref Ova and Parasite Exam, Fecal 

DOE: Ref O&P


EX ova P

Specimen Type


Specimen Requirements

2 grams stool submitted in Ecofix preservative system.


Causes for Rejection

Inappropriate collection device; improper labeling; leaking vials; improper filling or mixing; specimens containing urine, frozen specimens

Turn Around Time

3-7 days


Concentrate exam 87177; Trichrome smear 88312

Performing Lab

ARUP Laboratories

Storage and Transport

Ambient temperature and transport to Microbiology Laboratory as soon as possible.

Reference Range



Method for identification of Ova and Parasites includes wet mount and trichrome stain.

Test Consists

Concentrated exam and permanent stain for parasitic protozoa and the eggs and larvae of parasitic helminths.