Catalog ID Parecho Parechovirus by PCR
Additional Codes
CPOE: Parechovirus by PCR
DOE: Ref Parecho
Reference Values
Not detected
CPT Code
Blood: Lavender or pink EDTA tube, collect 2 mL blood
Plasma, 1.0 mL (0.5 mL minimum), frozen
CSF: 0.5 mL in sterile container, frozen
Rejection Criteria
Urine, other anticoagulant, insufficient specimen, unlabelled specimen, room temperature >8 hours
Interpretative Information
Parechovirus, a common childhood virus that is close to the enterovirus family, can range from asymptomatic to mild symptoms to severe illness, especially in newborns and infants <6 months of age.
Performing Lab
ARUP Laboratories
1-5 days