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Catalog ID Mumps Active Mumps Active Infection Testing

Important Note

If suspicious for active Mumps infection:

1) Place an order for Mumps IgG, Mumps IgM, and Mumps PCR.

2) Collect 1 full Gold top tube and 1 buccal swab (be sure to swab the parotid glands) in viral transport media.

3) Contact Dr. Brandy Gunsolus, Dr. Allison McMullen, Epidemiology, and Employee Health via secure messaging with patient name, MRN, and suspected Mumps.

4) Make a list of staff who had contact with the patient. This list goes to Employee Health.

5) Make a list of all patients who were in the waiting room with the patient. This list goes to Epidemiology.


Specimen Requirements

Collect 1 full Gold top tube and 1 buccal swab in viral transport media.

Turn Around Time

2-5 days

Performing Laboratory

Mumps IgG - Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Mumps IgM and Mumps PCR - ARUP Laboratories