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Catalog ID 5-Fluoro 5-Fluorocytosine Antifungal Level

Additional Codes

CPOE: Ref Antifungal Level, 5-Fluorocytosine

DOE: Ref 5-FC

Reference Values

See Interpretative Information

CPT Code



Plain red top, collect 4 mL blood

Send 2 mL serum in sterile tube, frozen

Rejection Criteria

Plasma, unfrozen serum, insufficient quantity, unlabeled specimen

Interpretative Information

Normal peak serum concentration for 5-fluorocytosine is 30-45 µg/mL with a 2 g PO dose or 60-80 µg/mL with a 100 mg/kg/day PO dose. Trough serum concentration is not well established. Toxicity may be seen with sustained levels greater than 100 µg/mL.

For bioassay measurements, the presence of other antimicrobial agents may interfere with the assay. Other factors that may influence antimicrobial levels include inherent differences among patients and their underlying physical conditions as well as the dose and route of administration of the antimicrobial agent.

Performing Lab

ARUP Laboratories


2-3 days