Catalog ID 1,25D 1,25-OH2 Vitamin D
Specimen Requirements
1.5 mL of blood drawn in gold top tube preferred. Red top tube also acceptable.
Serum should be separated as soon as possible. Serum is stable room temperature for 7 days, for 14 days refrigerated at 2-8° C, and frozen <-20° C for long term storage.
Causes for Rejection
Wrong tube, insufficient specimen, gross hemolysis, gross lipemia
Reference Range
19.9 - 79.3 pg/mL
Performed Thur & Fri - day shift only
Performing Laboratory
Immunology Lab - AD3301 , 706-721-3378
CPT Code
Interpretative Information
Heterophile antibodies can interfere with this test. This test will also cross-react with Zemplar (paricalcitol), therefore it should not be used to monitor therapy with this medication.
EPIC EAP Test Code